Blood pressure measuring device (sphygmomanometer) the word sphygmomanometer
Came from the floor Greco Sphygmos means pulse, and the word, which means the manometer pressure gauge.
Jhazkies blood pressure is used to measure blood pressure, which consists of the bracelet inflatable to reduce the blood flow, pressure gauge mercury mechanic, blower, valve and controller. Manual blood pressure gauges used in conjunction with the stethoscope's how: In humans, the bracelet is placed smoothly and comfortably around the arm, on the same vertical height of the heart is an approximation, while the person sits down and his arm relaxed and supported. Other sites for the development of the bracelet depends on the species, and can include the tongue, fin, tail or nipple. Necessary to select the correct size of the bracelet for the patient. Size is very small to give results in very high pressure, while the very large size gives the results are very low. Blow to the bracelet that closes the artery completely, hear artery Aldhirai at the elbow joint by the handset, then ease the pressure slowly. Once the pressure drops in the bracelet is the sound of intermittent (Voices Krotkov) when blood flow starts again in the artery. The pressure recorded when this starts to sound is the systolic pressure. Relieve the pressure more even disappear votes. The disappearance of the pressure recorded when the vote is the diastolic pressure. In noisy environments when it is impossible to hear (such as the scenes are often encountered in emergency medicine), systolic blood pressure can only know by reducing pressure to Alaahsas radial pulse.
Hearing in veterinary medicine is rarely used and uses the sense of pulse and vision to determine the systolic pressure. Importance:
Through the control of mercury in the column while reducing the air pressure control valve, can read the values of blood pressure (mm Hg).
Blood pressure measuring device measures the peak pressure in the arteries during the [session attack] is the systolic pressure, and lower pressure (in the resting phase of the cardiac cycle) is the diastolic pressure. Headset is used in the method Listening. Systolic pressure
(Phase I) identifies with the first voice of the votes of the continuing Krotkov. Diastolic pressure determined at the moment where the voices disappear Krotkov (phase V). Species:
There are three types of blood pressure measuring device:
1. Digitized blower with manual or automatic and this auction, and easy operation, and operation in noisy environments. But many of them have not been verified for all categories of patients, and can give very inaccurate readings. These types measure the pressure main, and using the measured vibrations determine the values of systolic and diastolic pressure. Here, we know that it does not actually measure blood pressure, but derive the readings. Digital standards are not useful against "exceptional circumstances" which are not designed to be used: arteriosclerosis, arrhythmia, eclampsia, pulse and pulse mutual junctions. Some measures which come to the wrist strap to be completely accurate, but must be on the level of the heart when reading. 2. Digital portable with a measure of the pressure by the finger and an automatic blower:
This type is lighter and easier, and although it has less accuracy is smaller.
3. Handy: used by a trained person. Mercury standards are considered the "gold standard" of measurement because the measurement is absolute and requires re-calibration. For this reason, are often required in clinical trials for pharmaceutical and clinical evaluations to determine the blood pressure of patients who have a proportion of high risk, including pregnant women. Mechanical Allasailp species commonly used, but it should be calibrated against the mercury sphygmomanometer.
unit of Blood Pressure Measuring Device is millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Values of blood pressure is usually given as the number of my husband.
Sphygmomanometers require manual headset
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