Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Cambridge (Massachusetts U.S.): Richard Lee
Q: When doctors prescribed in the interpretation of blood pressure readings, you take into account Heart Rate and Blood Pressure?
I am a man reported to be 78 years old and suffer from high blood pressure (under control) for more than 40 years। And I constantly monitor blood pressure at home, so enjoy the rest before taking measurements। And my blood pressure is often greater when the heart rate as close to the rate at rest (about 50 beats per minute), and have less pressure when the growing rate of heart beats। Are reassure the requirements and needs of the body, which lead to
heart rate and blood pressure?

A: First, I congratulate you on the exercise of measuring your blood pressure down, as this is an excellent way to control the height, and an important step to preventing the occurrence of stroke. Such measurements are more important than home measurements of individual doctor. It is very important to relax before taking measurements. The heart rate and blood pressure are two aspects go hand in hand with vigor. Nerves and hormones constantly monitors the heart rate and blood pressure, and maintain a balance of both. In fact, any increase alone, alone, blood pressure, can reduce heart rate a bit.

However, the conditions that control the reflex blood pressure and heart rate is not simple. In some cases, blood pressure may drop, while land with the heart rate, as occurs when exposure to the case of fainting. And often rises in blood pressure with heart rate, as occurs in the conduct of exercise, or anger, or in cases of overactive thyroid gland. I suggest you to record measurements of heart rate also recording with blood pressure readings, and submit them to the doctor when you visit him. Can be measured by heart rate to provide information about the health of the heart and blood vessels. The heart rate low, such as those that you have, it may indicate that some drugs appear that they are not useful for your situation. But when there is a high rate of heart beat constantly, it is assumed should examine the thyroid gland.
Those who
Are trying to lower blood pressure, they increase their consumption
Food rich in potassium and sodium to avoid
Because it is harming their health.
The study, published in the Journal of
"Archives of Internal Medicine" that a proportion
High level of sodium in the urine, "20 percent"
Could suffer from stroke
And heart attack and cardiovascular disease
In general, while this danger
Reduced among those who cut deal with this article.
The researchers said that the medical information which
Obtained after the study, they conducted
Included more than 17 thousand deep concern that
Eating fruits and vegetables that contain
Potassium can reduce blood pressure,
Pointing out that dealing with 4700 grams of
Bananas, beans or potatoes, which are sources of
Normal potassium can reduce blood pressure.
They added that the best way to maintain
The components of potassium is through
Roasted or processed by steam prepared to eat

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