Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to read blood pressure

How to read blood pressure
Says the American Heart Association that measuring blood pressure at home and help in measuring the true reading, which enables the doctor to know from the perception of the amount of blood pressure over a long period. And therefore is considered by many doctors that it is the most accurate in the follow-up patients with high blood pressure is the adoption of asylum to the measurement of home blood pressure readings and record repeated during the previous weeks or months to come to the clinic, and if it is in accordance with medical instructions to do so. According to press the American Academy of Family Physicians Measuring blood pressure at home and save the readings in a special register,
Will appear to the doctor and the patient how to read blood pressure during the day. Including the doctor can use those readings in the evaluation of the extent control the amount of drugs in controlling blood pressure. This is in addition to measuring the patient's blood pressure makes it more interested in pursuing his health. He stresses, researchers from the Mayo Clinic to measure home blood pressure is an important part of the follow-up and treatment of high blood pressure. She recalled that the measurement readings taken at home gives the opportunity to know the real magnitude of blood pressure when one is comfortable in his home. Which can thus see whether the medicine to address the rise in blood pressure, also take note of easy to obtain any fallout. The researchers from the Mayo Clinic on two things, first is the need to learn and master how to read a patient's blood pressure, or family memb
ers, how to measure blood pressure accurately in the case of adoption of the method. And the second not to assume that the measurement of domestic and reassurance that the readings normal does not mean at all do not need to follow-up to the doctor, because treatment and follow-up to high blood pressure does not absolutely mean only adjust the readings of those within the normal rates, but follow-up medicines and their effects on the body, and also there are consequences high blood pressure and follow-up target organs damage. Which things may get even if blood pressure readings is very normal treatment.

* Important elements of how to read blood pressure at home correctly

* Doctors say the Mayo Clinic that, regardless of the method of measuring blood pressure, chosen by the patient, according to audit supervisor with a doctor, it is necessary to use properly and training to do so. It is therefore to be taken that way, to measure the pressure, to the doctor to make sure it is suitable for measuring and to learn the correct way.

To ensure accuracy Vekevip achieve a blood pressure reading at home, you should note the following items:

Before you start using the device to measure blood pressure for the first time, make sure the doctor or the patient to the accuracy of that device to measure the pressure. And make the measurement under the sight of a doctor or nurse to make sure you accurately.

Measure your blood pressure at fixed times, such as in the morning or in the evening. In order to be utilized to read measurements in the days isolated.

Use the same arm whenever you measure blood pressure. Ie, either the left or right upper arm. Noting that some digital devices for measuring blood pressure are designed to measure in the left upper arm.

Never measure the blood pressure immediately when you wake up from sleep. But wait at least an hour or more. If you are who exercises in the morning, your blood pressure measured before starting these exercises.

Avoid eating food or beverages containing caffeine for 30 minutes prior to the measurement of blood pressure.

Avoid measuring blood pressure when they are tense or angry. And take a rest before blood pressure measurement.

Go to the bathroom to urinate before blood pressure measurement. Because the full bladder is working to raise the amount of blood pressure in humans.

Sit comfortably and quietly on a chair when measuring blood pressure. Does not set a leg or Kahla on the other. And assigned to your back completely on the chair.

Place your arms comfortably in the level of the heart, on a table or chair assigned profile. If you need, place a pillow under the arm to reach the level of the heart.

Do not talk during the measurement of blood pressure.

Place the bracelet Aalghemashi device Eddk pressure on the skin directly, and not on clothing. Must also be careful not to raise the amount originally narrow to the top of the upper arm to cause thus narrow and tight pressure on the top of the upper arm, because it will give inaccurate reading of blood pressure.

Make a measure of twice during the reading of a single, separate with each other about 3 minutes.

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